





计算机科学已经成为当今社会的核心要素. 组织在 industries rely on our digital ecosystem to stay afloat, which leads to a persistent need for professionals who have the cutting-edge technological skills to keep up.  

If you’re looking to broaden your understanding of 计算机科学 and sharpen your technical acumen, an undergraduate degree could be the key to unlocking your career 潜在的. But when it comes to choosing a 计算机科学 程序, not all institutions 会让你获得同样的结果吗. 有几个重要的元素 在评估你的选择时应该寻找什么. 

Join us as we outline the forecast of 计算机科学 jobs and explore some of the 许多顶级计算机科学程序都具有的特性.  


很容易理解为什么计算机科学专业人员需求量很大. 几乎每一个 business and organization today relies on web applications to stay in operation. 电脑 scientists are the ones who create and support these applications, systems and networks.  

根据 劳工统计局 (BLS), overall employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent by 2031, which is much faster than the 平均 for all occupations 在全国范围内.  

To break that down even further, the increase is expected to result in more than 680,000 新的工作岗位. 这还不包括将近42万个职位空缺 因退休或其他原因而空缺.  

Encompassing job titles like computer 程序mers, computer systems analysts, database administrators and information security analysts, the compensation for computer and 信息技术职位的竞争也很激烈. 美国劳工统计局报告说 median annual wage for this group was $97,430 in May 2021 — more than double the national 平均. 

It’s important to note that this salary data accounts for workers all across the country and with varying education and experience levels, but it still goes to show that there is exciting earning 潜在的 for individuals looking to build a lasting career in 计算机科学. 


的 most effective entry point into a thriving 计算机科学 career is an undergraduate 程序. A 计算机科学学士学位 能让你具备开始工作所需的基本技能吗.  

But if you’re committed to choosing a 计算机科学 程序 that will go above and beyond to provide you with the interdisciplinary and practical skill set employers 正在寻找,请留意以下元素. 

1. 灵活的学习选择 

获得学位的最大障碍之一是可及性. 的 国家沙巴体育app统计中心 (NCES) notes that a majority of undergraduate students balance their studies with 全职或兼职工作,以资助他们的学习和生活费用. 这也是 真的, 超过五分之一的大学生是父母,在她们的盘子里增加了照顾孩子的责任.  

每个人的情况都不一样. 无论你是否有孩子,你都在计划 to work while in school or you have other commitments that make maintaining a traditional course load difficult, it’s clear that flexibility is key for today’s college students.  

If this is important to you, be sure to look for a 计算机科学 程序 that offers 灵活的学习选择. 找一个完全在线的课程,让忙碌的工作 adults like you to continue their education without interrupting your existing commitments 在追求学位的过程中,成功和挣扎之间的区别是什么.  

Finally, if you’re looking to learn online, it’s vital to seek out a 计算机科学 程序 that is equipped with instructors who possess widespread industry experience. But it’s just as important for faculty to be well-versed in providing students with 一个有意义的和引人入胜的在线学习体验.  

Be sure to look into the institution’s history of online instruction and consider 与在线课程的毕业生交谈,了解他们的经历. 

2. 跨学科方法 

Many 计算机科学 程序s excel in providing students with the cutting-edge tech 他们需要在行业中发挥作用的知识. 如果你想磨练 your expertise in this area and continue down a more skills-focused path, these 程序s 对你来说会是很好的选择吗.  

但是有 increasing demand for 计算机科学 professionals who also possess 这些软技能可以帮助他们在任何商业环境中取得成功. 如果你在寻找 a more well-rounded 计算机科学 degree that will be suitable for any professional environment, you may want to look for 程序s that offer an interdisciplinary approach.  

这不是你在所有计算机科学程序中都能找到的区别. At 康考迪亚大学 (CTX), however, students can opt to pursue either a Bachelor of Science (BS) or a 计算机科学学士学位.  

的 BS in 电脑 Science takes a more technical, skills-focused approach to computer 科学沙巴体育app. 这条道路需要额外的高级数学课程 拓展你的技术敏锐度. 学生还可以选择增加数据科学专业 如果他们攻读学士学位的话. 

计算机科学学士学位采用跨学科的方法. 学生发展 technical skills and knowledge they need while also focusing on invaluable interpersonal 具备沟通、协作、演讲等能力. 这个整体 design also enables students to develop an understanding of how software design and 开发决策在组织目标范围内工作. 

3. 实践经验的机会 

许多计算机科学课程使用假设的场景来教授学生. 但是有 an undeniable benefit to applying the concepts you’re learning to real professional 动力学. 学生们经常发现,后者能让他们更好地掌握所学知识 以实际的方式学习并融入其中. 

If you perform better with hands-on learning opportunities, be sure to seek out computer 科学项目将为你提供这样的机会. CTX学生 opt to pursue a BS or a BA in 电脑 Science, the 程序’s capstone course provides 为一家真正的科技公司提供解决方案的独特机会. 

Students gain real-world experience regarding the entire software development lifecycle — from concept to delivery — all while receiving direct support from a highly qualified CTX教授. 这不仅会让你在实际业务中更加自如 challenges, but you’ll also gain some of the practical work experience tech industry 领导们正在寻找. 

4. 方便获取学生资源 

When seeking out an effective 计算机科学 程序, it’s easy to focus on things like curriculum and faculty while overlooking something relatively simple such as 获取学生资源. 但对于希望灵活利用的学生来说 在线学习的选择,这可能是成功的关键因素. 

Each school’s suite of student resources will look a bit different, but it’s still important to seek out an institution that offers comprehensive, easy-to-access support. At CTX, for example, all students have access to the following free resources: 

 的 most effective way to learn whether an institution offers the support services 你需要的是复习它 学生资源页面. 


Now that you know a bit more about what you should be looking for when choosing a 计算机科学课程,是时候做一些研究了. 如果你想要 your mark in the cutting-edge world of tech as a 计算机科学 professional, you can find what you need with the flexible, interdisciplinary degree options at Concordia 美国得克萨斯大学. 

