

康考迪亚大学 – A Demonstration of its 路德的身份

As an institution of Lutheran higher education, 康考迪亚大学 (CTX) is committed to its Christian roots, its alignment with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and its calling to be a part of the mission of the church at large.  This document provides a framework by which CTX will live out and demonstrate faithfulness to its 路德的身份.


康考迪亚大学 empowers students of all backgrounds to lead lives of critical 思想,富有同情心的行动和勇敢的领导.    作为一所文科大学 rooted in the Lutheran tradition and aligned with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Concordia develops the mind, heart, soul, and body, preparing leaders for lives of service.


康考迪亚大学 is and shall operate as an educational institution that is aligned with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and subscribes to the Confession of the LCMS as currently outlined in Article II of the LCMS Constitution, namely that 它毫无保留地接受:

1. The Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament as the written Word of God and 信仰和实践的唯一规则和规范;

2. All the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God, to wit: the three Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed), the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, the Large Catechism of Luther, the Small Catechism of Luther, and the Formula of Concord.

This confession is the foundation by which the university does its work and lives 它发出了召唤,并表现在以下五个方面:

  1. 学校领导: the leadership of the university both represents and is committed to the above bylaw, 确保和监督它是如何定期进行的
  2. 信仰与学习: the faculty and staff commits itself to the Lutheran Learning Model,  particular restraints within academic freedom, and the mission of the University
  3. 基督教社团: the community and its ethos reflects the mission of the church, proclaims the Gospel message of the Scriptures, and serves one another in love and fellowship
  4. 教会工作人员准备: programs are developed and maintained that prepare graduates for professional service in the mission of the Christian church, including those aligned with the LCMS
  5. 外部事务: as a school of and for the church, CTX purposefully engages with fellow believers 作为教会使命的催化剂
Each of the above areas, representing the fullness of the University’s vocation, is 以下列方式进一步界定:

1. 大学领导

  1. 校董会
  2. 行政领导
  3. 校园事工领导

2. 信仰与学问

  1. 核心路德教职员
  2. 培训及发展
  3. 康考迪亚特色课程要求
  4. 正在进行评估

3. 基督教社团

  1. Student Life
  2. 校园部
  3. 员工发展与敬业度

4. 教会工作人员预备

  1. 项目发展与成长
  2. 与部委合作伙伴保持一致

5. 外部接触

  1. 教会、学校和组织
  2. 德克萨斯地区的LCMS及其使命
  3. 奥斯汀地区的基督教教堂、学校和组织
  4. 国内/国际部委的机会


  • 1. 大学领导
    1. 校董会: BOR members are all members of LCMS congregations, are oriented to 教会的忏悔, and align decisions with 教会的忏悔
      1. 会员资格要求(见附则)
      2. 培训、发展和评估
    2. 行政领导: The President is a member of an LCMS congregation and assures that executive positions are staffed by those who are supportive of and trained in 教会的忏悔
      1. 总裁要求(见章程)
      2. 选择和发展内阁级别的职位
    3. 校园事工领导: Campus ministry is led by an ordained member of the LCMS, is staffed with those who are trained in and/or aligned with the confession of the 并围绕教会的使命制定策略
      1. 领导能力要求(LCMS任命)
      2. 团队成员要求
      3. 战略计划与大学的使命相一致
  • 2. 信仰与学问
    1. 核心路德教职员: There is a sufficient number of faculty who deeply understand the ethos of Lutheran higher education (through multiple pathways) and hold up to 对于这个机构,这份文件的租户
      1. 接受路德教高等沙巴体育app传统的训练
      2. 确定由LCMS培训和/或登记的人员担任的角色
      3. 为全体教员提供领导和培训
    2. 培训及发展: Faculty, both full and part time, receive appropriate training that best support their engagement with and application of faith and learning in the classroom
      1. 路德教会学习模式的理解与应用
      2. LCMS告白知识(第二篇)
      3. 个人信仰、身份和见证的发展
    3. 康考迪亚特色课程要求: All undergraduate students will engage with 教会的忏悔 through appropriate required courses
      1. 神学必修课程
      2. 以上课程的教师资格证书
      3. 符合大学使命的成果
    4. 正在进行评估: The institution engages in ongoing assessment and improvement 确保学生参与大学的使命
      1. Outcomes written and assessed that reflect 信仰与学问 description
  • 3. 基督教社团
    1. Student Life: The multiple aspects of student life reflect the mission and support 教会的忏悔
      1. 住宅生活
      2. 课余活动
      3. 学生资源支持
    2. 校园部: 校园部 is an avenue by which students come to hear about 认识耶稣,并在服事他人中活出他们的信心
      1. 学生领导能力发展
      2. 门徒训练的机会
      3. 奉献和敬拜的机会
      4. Missional机会
      5. 服务的机会
      6. 个人护理机会
    3. 员工发展与敬业度: All employees learn about the confession of the church and have opportunities to deepen their personal faith life through ongoing opportunities
      1. 理解和执行使命和价值观
      2. 参与校园事工的机会
      3. 个人信仰、身份和见证的发展
  • 4. 教会工作人员预备
    1. 项目发展与成长: the university provides high quality programs that serve the mission of the church, including those that prepare graduates for service 在lms的学校和教堂里
      1. 继续教会工作预备计划
      2. 新增项目
      3. 持续登记形成
    2. 与部委合作伙伴保持一致: the university develops and sustains partnerships 增加了教会使命的价值
      1. 与lms大学和神学院的联系
      2. Connection with school and church partners (both LCMS and broader community)
      3. 吸引和招收学生的合作伙伴越来越多
  • 5. 外部接触
    1. 教会、学校和组织: the university regularly engages with LCMS 以促进其使命的方式
      1. 为学习和发展制定计划
      2. 根据需要为机构提供资源
      3. 合作推动两个实体的使命
    2. Texas District of the LCMS: as a valued partner, the university is aligned with and 支持地区的使命
      1. 配合宣教和事工的需要
      2. 根据需要为机构提供资源
      3. 创造共享的机会和资源
    3. 奥斯汀地区的基督教教堂、学校和组织: The greater Austin Christian community sees 康考迪亚大学 as a partner in the work of the church’s 整个地区的任务
      1. 为区域措施提供资源
      2. 合作带来专业知识和资源
      3. 提供创造性思维以满足关键需求
    4. National/International opportunities: Concordia meets the needs of Christian organizations, 在当地环境之外,寻找王国的工作
      1. 合作完成共同使命
      2. 社区和组织的资源需求